Thursday, November 12, 2009

Map Links

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Flickr Picture

Thing 16

1. No, I did not like Flikr's geotagging feature.

2. Flikr's is easier to use.

3. I will not use this tool personally or professionally, I have no need for it.

4. My guess is that people geotag because they are bored.

Thing 15

1. Yahoo Podcasts: Alternative Rock.

2. Yahoo Podcasts.

3. Possibly, for music listening I might be interested in accessing a podcast.

4. No, Walt Whitman would not podcast. He would probably have better things to do. And no, his parents would not listen to it if he did. If he's not alive but then was alive, chances are his parents would be dead either way.

Thing 14

1. The University of Minnesota Assignment Calculator seems better for me.
It has what I need, and I don't need email reminders. The tool seems very helpful.

2. They can both remind me what I still have to do and the ideal times to have them done by, so I can have an idea of how my schedule should look.

3. The tools would probably work for personal and professional use for projects. It's over all use as a project time line layout would still be helpful.

Thing 13 (Other half)

4. The to-do lists were helpful, I always need to-do lists to help me keep track of stuff.

5. Looked at backpack but didn't try it out. Sounds odd.

6. Tried Mystickies. Nothing I'd recommend.

Thing 13

1. MyYahoo. It appealed to me because it sounded like something that'd be familiar. No, I will not make it my permanent homepage.

2. Mystickies, could help me keep track of things. I'd maybe recommend it.

3. Online calendars can be useful to me because they can help me plan out my schedule.

Thing 12

1. It seems very helpful if you have a lot of different sites you want to keep track of and organized. A very helpful tool.

2. It does seem like it could also be a useful tool for research. The material being researched could be split up into different categories, making it easier to remember where the information came from.

3. No. I can not think of any other useful applications for tagging and in my personal or professional life that have not been covered already.

Thing 11

1. Professional use: creating a slideshow for work. Personal use: making a slideshow for fun.

2. No, it was not easy to navigate, and only slightly better to understand.

3. No, I would not recamend it to others.

4. I really don't use anything that shares photos or documents, unless facebook counts.

Thing 10

1. For both self-promotion or professionally, one could use the tools to make things like business cards. For an assignment, one could use the tools to make nice graphics in general, depending on the assignment.

2. Sharing Photos online seems like a good idea. It makes it easier to show people photos you want to show them. As long as people don't steal them and claim them as their own, there doesn't seem like there's much problem with them

Thing 9

1. I myself wouldn't use Flickr, period. But for school, one could use Flickr to store their photos on it. Personal life, one might just use it to display their photos and images for fun. And for a profession, one might use it to help advertise for something by having certain images posted.

2. I don't use Flickr or other hosting services, so there's nothing to compare Flickr to.

3. I'd be fine with having my photos public because I wouldn't post anything I didn't want to. My only concern would be if someone somehow stole my images.

Thing 8

1. It is interesting that anyone can access wikis and contribute to them, and that one of the only things keeping them reliable is the honor system.

2. Quick and easy research and referencing would be good applications of a wiki in both school and professional settings.

3. Information should not be limited by format, especially when having to conduct research. As long as it's reliable it should be legitimate to use.

4. Illogicopedia.

5. Led Zeppelin IV. No idea.

Thing 7

1. Google Docs is probably the easiest one for me to use.

2. Google Docs seems most organized and easy to use. The other two both seem more complicated. The labels and the set up are more conveniently placed.

3. They were all made for the same purpose and perform similar functions, features would not be such a determining factor for me in this case. So it's not about which features, it's about how the features function, which ones are easier for me to figure out and which ones work most conveniently.

4. The Founding Founders would probably be amazed by the document editing tools, after they figured out how the computer worked and if they learned to appreciate it.

5. No one will ever know.

Thing 6

1. Digg could be used for research by searching for material for the project at Digg.
2. One could establish credibility and reputation by posting material that is trustworthy and accurate.

Thing 5

1. I chose Plurk. I chose it because I hadn't heard of it until now, and it sounds cooler than Twitter.

2. Plurk seems like an unique online journal experience because it scrolls sideways and has what seems to be an unpleasant format.

3. I honestly don't know how Plurk would have application to either school work or professional development. It really seems kind of pointless, and I do not like how it is set up, so I probably wouldn't use it much anyway to begin with.

4. Online journals can be used for evil because they can spread propaganda and lies and maybe in some cases cause emotional turmoil.

Thing 4

1. I will not use my facebook profile to share anymore information than I will like to, even if that means not building my network and meeting other Ai students. I don't know them, they could be dangerous.

2. I won't use my facebook profile to help promote myself for a job. I believe it's wrong that employers judge people on a social network online. The only way I'd change it for a job is if I really needed the job, and then that'd only be temporarily until I got hired and then I'd change it back.

3. At the moment, I can't think of any way to build my professional network using my Facebook.

4. Interests and personal details won't be shared in my circle unless they're unimportant or the information is secured.

5. Professional networking is networking with professionalism in mind, portraying ones self in a more professional light via their network. Social networking is networking without professionalism in mind, more out for social aspects and connecting for fun.

Thing 2

1. They can give me information I am interested in.
2. Could apply the information to a paper for school. Find interesting new things for personal life.
3. They could use it to find new information about certain subjects.
4. Bloglines was easier to use.
5. Search engine.
6. Nope.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Thing 3:
1. Useful: Grade check, payment check, misc. information that might be helpful.
Interesting: Not much.

2. It's a great resource because it provides key information for important things.

3. Being able to check my grades.

4. Not any problems that i noticed.